
Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation - Funding Education

Supports Healing Touch Instructors in teaching classes in areas where no instructor are available and where Healing Touch is not yet established, globally.

Education (300 × 300 px) (1)

Application Guide Submit an Education Informal Grant Request

Education Grants Funded

Showcasing examples of past education grants awarded with their respective reports.

This grant assisted two Spanish speaking US. instructors in training with their travel cost for their Assistant Instructor classes. The grant committee concluded supporting this grant to support growing Healing Touch in Spain and with the Spanish speaking population within the US.

November 21, 2023

Dear Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation,

On behalf of Laila Millet and Ines Almeida, I am happy to submit this report outlining our experience in
teaching the three Assistant Instructor classes in Spanish that HTWF so generously funded.

Allow me to start by describing the synchronistic event that kicked off our adventure. Although we had not yet received funding from HTWF, we moved forward with our plan to teach the first AI in February at the hospital where I work in California. We had a class of four students who were bilingual employees and volunteers. Laila flew in from Wisconsin, and Ines flew in from Massachusetts. Although anxious, Laila and Ines did exceedingly well. We advertised this as a “bilingual” class, so we bounced back and forth between English and Spanish, or “Spanglish”. On Sunday, during the afternoon break, I checked my emails and was thrilled to discover our acceptance email from the Foundation! I printed two copies and sealed them in envelopes. At the close of the class, I presented the envelopes to Ines and Laila and asked them to open them in front of the students. With joyful tears in our eyes, we shared in a beautiful moment of excitement and gratitude! This really confirmed that we were on the right path.

AI number two brought all of us together in Massachusetts in May as Ines coordinated the class in a beautiful community center. This class had four students, who were originally from different Latin American countries, and have been living and working in the US for many years. They were primarily Spanish speaking, so this class was taught exclusively in Spanish. The students are actively involved in their church community, which is where they met Ines. The students were fully engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the class. Some of the students shared deeply personal stories of their traumas and challenges immigrating to the US, and this class helped to bring some healing to them. Several expressed their excitement to share Healing Touch with their family members and friends.

The third AI brought us back to the hospital in August. We advertised this class more robustly, so we were pleased to have seven students from the health system. Throughout the weekend, the students expressed how grateful they were that we offered the class in Spanish. They acknowledged the importance of inclusion and diversity and congratulated us on the class. Although these students do speak English as well, they expressed that it was easier for them to grasp the Healing Touch concepts in their native language, and was easier to integrate the learning in a heart-centered way, without having to mentally translate it to understand.

Ines and Laila excelled in teaching the classes. Their passion for the subject matter was contagious, and
readily absorbed by the students. It was so important for us to be together during the AI’s because we divided the teaching up, each teaching a third of the class. It is only because of this grant that we were able to be together for all three classes, and grow and learn from one another.

In this year alone, we trained 24 students in their native language of Spanish. We are eternally grateful to Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation for entrusting us to carry out your vision of advancing Healing Touch worldwide. It was our dream, and is now our goal to teach Healing Touch to Spanish speakers, not just in the US, but around the world.

To close the circle, we are pleased to report that Ines completed her Solo in October with two students and Laila completed her Solo in November with seven students. They are in the process of submitting their final paperwork to become Certified Instructors. Thank you for believing in us, and being an important part of this beautiful journey.

Lisa, Laila and Ines

Healing Touch in Spanish Instructor Development

Lisa Golden, Supervising Instructor

Ines Almeida, SSA, Instructor in Training

Laila Millet, Instructor in Training

In Gratitude

Please accept our heartfelt thanks for entrusting us with
valuable funds to extend Healing Touch Program’s work
to the Spanish speaking communities.

By investing in our education, we are now able to spread
Healing Touch to a wider and more diverse population.

Ines, Lisa, Laila


Assistant Instructor Level 1 Classes

AI 1

  • Chula Vista, CA
  • Four bilingual hospital employees and volunteers

AI 2

  • Worcester, MA
  • Four members of the Spanish speaking community

AI 3

  • Chula Vista, CA
  • Seven bilingual hospital employees

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 2


Assistant Instructor Level 1 Classes

AI 1

Heart to heart meditation

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 5


Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 6

AI 2

Self Chakra Connection

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 7

Chakra Spread

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 8

AI 3

Mind Clearing

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 9

Chakra Connection

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 10

Ines' Solo

  • Worcester, MA
  • October 21 & 22, 2023
  • Two Spanish speaking students
Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 11

Laila's Solo

  • Madison, WI
  • November 11 & 12, 2023
  • Seven Spanish speaking students
Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 12

Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 13
Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 14
Spanish Instructor Grant Picture 15


We thank Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation for granting us $5115.00 to support our travel expenses associated with the three assistant instructor classes. By allowing us to be together, in-person at all three classes we gained rich knowledge by learning from one another, and we supported one another in the process to become certified instructors. We look forward to continuing our journey together as we spread Healing Touch in the Spanish language in many communities in the United States and worldwide!

Thank you

Lisa Golden, HTCP/I

Ines Almeida, SSA

Laila Millet

Dear HTP Community,

I am thrilled to share with you my incredible experience in Sierra Leone. On December 25, 2022, I was introduced to a man, Ibrahim Bangura Cleffy, who was carrying on my beloved sister’s work in Sierra Leone. My sister, Dr. Karen Polonko, was a child’s rights advocate who devoted her entire life to ending violence against children on a global scale. She was a student of Healing Touch having studied with Janet Mentgen and Dottie Graham, and the person responsible for my Healing Touch journey having paid for every single class until I became an instructor.

Mr. Ibrahim Cleffy was working on building a “No Hit Zone” school and health clinic on donated property in a remote village in Sierra Leone where the children taking part in his organization would be safe from violence. I traveled to meet him and the children he worked with in April of 2023 and I spoke to many nurses there who shared tragic stories about the women and children with whom they worked. I spoke to them about Healing Touch and every one of them expressed interest.
When I returned home, I reached out to the Worldwide Foundation (HTWF) and to Healing Touch Program (HTP) about teaching Healing Touch in Sierra Leone. I received a grant from HTWF that covered my flight and part of my hotel stay as well as incidentals for the class. I then received support from HTP providing scholarships for all of the students to attend. There were to be two classes with 10 students each. HTP even supplied most of the spiral bound notebooks.

To my knowledge there is only one other country in Africa using Healing Touch and this would make the second country. I wanted to provide the information to bring this work in on the ground floor as I work diligently on raising money to help Ibrahim build his school and health clinic. I wanted the nurses working in this new clinic to be able to bring this beautiful work to this clinic right from the start. And, I wanted the village moms to be able to have a method of healing that could help them even as they walk many miles to the nearest health clinic. I felt Healing Touch would bring a kind of peace and hope to these suffering moms and children. I feel that this is exactly what happened.

I partnered with Ibrahim’s organization, the Steps to Dignity Project, and he worked diligently getting the word out to the nurses and villagers about the program. Dates were set and students signed up, many more than we had space for. Ten students were chosen for the first class to be held in the remote village and ten for the second class on the mainland.

There were indeed challenges, the greatest of which was difficulty with time as many nurses were called into work despite having taken off, meaning that Ibrahim and I would stay hours late to ensure that all the material was provided and that all attendance criteria was met. Additionally, we had to change locations in the village due to the unclean condition of the donated space, and also on the mainland due to an outbreak which prevented us from using the clinic. We managed to provide a clean, safe environment for all the students at the last minute for both classes. Despite these challenges, the classes were an astounding success!

All the students in the first class, most of whom were nurses, spoke about the peace they received doing the work and how each of them felt some of the pain and difficulties of their lives had been released due specifically to the work. All the students in the second class, most of whom were mothers working diligently to improve their communities, spoke also about the peace they received doing the work and how they were going to take this work back to their communities to bring the love, wisdom, and peace to their people.

This was my dream for these beautiful people. Their suffering is incomprehensible and I knew in my soul that this work could bring a kind of peace to them. My gratitude to the Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation for the grant to bring this work to Sierra Leone and to Healing Touch Program for supporting these students who would not have been able to attend the class without scholarships is beyond all words. All I can do is say “Thank You” and hope that the people who worked behind the scenes to support this colossal endeavor know how deeply they are appreciated. I hope you enjoy the pictures on the following pages.


Sierra_Leone_L1_Class_Image-02 Sierra_Leone_L1_Class_Image-03










Date: 2019

Rosann taught a Healing Touch Level 1 class to an underserved community at Harry S Truman Memorial Hospital in Columbia MO. The class had 18 students, 12 were veterans, 3 veteran family members and 3 staff members whom all would not have been able to take this class without the initiative of Rosann and the hospital.


A Healing Touch (HT) Level 1 class was held for veterans, their family members, and staff associated with Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital November 15-16, 2019. There were a total of 21 people in attendance: 18 students (12 veterans, 3 family members, and 3 staff members); a coordinator who is a member of the Whole Health Program staff and a Level 1 Healing Touch student; and 2 helpers who have been in my previous Level 1 and 2 classes.

Interest in this class was obtained through an Introduction to Healing Touch class held the month before the class. Other means of promoting the class included a large poster on display at the facility entrance, flyers, brochures, and announcements in all of integrative health classes, and electronic publications through the facility's systems for veterans and staff.

This VA Facility already has an active Whole Health Program. The administration supported making this class available because they saw this as an additional tool available for the veterans' self care and for family and staff who participated in the class to use HT for relief of pain, stress, anxiety which is so prevalent in this population.

The experiences of the participants were amazing. Even with a broad range of experience with energy medicine among the group, there was eager participation in practicing the techniques. They described deep healing and understanding during the group sharing. Here is a sampling of comments from their evaluation forms:

  • Awesome class and very well taught! Excellent experience!
  • I want to integrate HT into my current practice and am interested in pursuing to Level 5
  • I will share with my veteran husband & son and hoping to help them with their pain issues.
  • The instructor allowed me to come to a more meaningful understanding & appreciation for what HT can do for self as well as how I can positively affect others through its use.
  • I hope to use these techniques for myself and my family. I also hope to continue on the path of learning more about energy healing and other complimentary modalities.
  • I plan to use the techniques with friends and family and use the in-depth knowledge I gained about chakras in my Reiki practice. The class was wonderful, healing & challenging.
  • Can't wait to try on spouse and myself.
  • I want more instruction. Loved the course!

After the class, one of the participants shared that he had been doing the Mind Clearing on himself and it was helping him cope with PTSD. We have plans to survey the students in 3 months to obtain additional follow-up.

We are making arrangements for a monthly HT practice group at this VA facility. When confidence has increased these VA HT students and other HT students in the Columbia area will be invited to help at a HT clinic and offer HT during various Veteran events.





Date 2018:

Kimberly Kuppenheimer was awarded our second ever Reach Out Initiative grant to support her in teaching a Level 1 class for an underserved community of military veterans and dependents at Fort Carson in Colorado. She has been dedicated to this community for several years, and the Foundation is pleased to announce the successful completion of her class. One participant had this to say of the experience: “This class made me remember love is everything. With love toward any human being, all things are possible.” To hear more about her experience, we encourage you to read the beautiful article written about the class, attached below.

A First! Healing Touch level 1 Class, Evans Hospital, Fort Carson, CO

It is with gratitude and honor that I present the first Healing Touch class held at Evans Army Community Hospital, Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado. On October 19-20, 2018, eleven students completed this 18 CE Level 1 class. There were 3 Helpers: Priscilla Atchison, HT Level 3 Student (Army dependent wife); Jacquie Ostrom, HT Level 1 student (Red Cross Volunteer, her last level 1 was taken in 1996!) and Kaley Roberts, HT Level 1 Student (Army dependent wife). The student demographics included: four hospital staffers, Angela Williams (Credentialing), Linda Richardson (Administration), Rhonda Burton (RN, Family Medicine) and Marie Williams (RN, Labor & Delivery); five Army dependent wives: Donna Bennett, Elvia Shapiro Leon, Christa Bills, Angel Eltagonde, and Taschika Fairgood; and retired Army Veteran, Jimmy Bills.


Healing Touch Class of 2018: (L to R)
Angela Williams; Rena Forcum (representing Red Cross Volunteer Office); Priscilla Atchison (Helper, HT Level 3 Student);Clara Huff (Lead Red Cross Volunteer Coordinator); Kimberly Kuppenheimer, PA-C, HTCP/I; Jacquie Ostrom (Helper, HT Level 1 Student); Jimmy Bills; Kaley Roberts (Helper, HT Level 1 Student); Donna Bennett; Linda Richardson; Elvia Shapiro Leon; Laura Deneen; Rhonda Burton; Christa Bills; Marie Williams; Angel Eltagonde; Taschika Fairgood

Nearly three years ago, in December 2015, Kimberly Kuppenheimer, PA-C, HTCP/I, joined the Red Cross Volunteer program at Fort Carson Army post motivated to give back to our servicemen and women. She approached staff at Evans Army Community Hospital on post with the idea of offering free Healing Touch treatment sessions to soldiers, dependents and staff. Kimberly worked closely with the Red Cross Volunteer Lead, Clara Huff, RN, Retired Colonel and Dr. Michelle Wine, Behavioral Psychologist to implement this ground-breaking initiative. After eighteen months of numerous meetings culminating with Kimberly pitching the benefits of opening a Healing Touch clinic before the Credentialing Committee, an intimidating board of Army Byrd Colonels and Generals, Fort Carson approved a free Healing Touch Clinic. Kimberly offered opportunities for patients to receive free HT treatments on a weekly basis at the Ironhorse Family Medical Center within the hospital. Immediately, active duty soldiers reported they were finding successful outcomes with this new energy medicine offering. In December 2016, the Healing Touch Clinic was moved within the Hospital to Warrior Family Medical Center with the focus of expanding treatment to include Dependents and Retired Veterans. During this transition, Kimberly also began volunteering her services as a Family Medicine Physician Assistant with the hope of bringing an Integrative Medicine approach to patient diagnosis and treatment within the Family Medical Center. Another positive addition to the HT clinic was bringing Priscilla Atchison, HT Level 3 Student on board. Priscilla expanded HT clinic offerings to a second day per week. Her gentle, caring demeanor, accurate intuition and skillful HT technique has tremendously enhanced the clinic’s appeal to patients seeking a compassionate, complementary approach to their health plan.

Today, nearly three years have passed since introducing the idea of bringing Healing Touch into Fort Carson. Both hospital staff and patients absolutely rave about the Healing Touch clinic’s efficacy in treating the most extreme PTSD, major depression, refractory pain and helping to reverse some disease processes. Patients are also reporting that they are able to reduce or eliminate their pharmacology treatments once they have received HT therapies. At the clinic, we record patient’s initial pain scale pre-treatment and then record post HT session pain scale. The goal is to use this qualitative data for future HT research proving how effective HT is with this patient population.

What is the forward for Healing Touch at Fort Carson? This first class of 11 pioneering students are interested in forming a monthly practice group, and some wish to become Red Cross Volunteers and to join the Healing Touch clinic as Student HT practitioners offering free sessions to hospital patients and staff.

All students except one had received a prior treatment at the HT hospital clinic so the class was well versed in receiving HT. However, learning the science of and practicing attuning with the Human Energy System over the eighteen hour Level 1, gave the students a very different vantage point. Some comments from student evaluations speak of this different giving HT experience: “Absolutely incredible and enlightening two days!” “Enjoyed the class. I would take it again!” “A life changing experience.” And one of the most beautifully reflective comments: “This class made me remember love is everything. With love toward any human being, all things are possible.”

I hope this small account may inspire you, the reader to consider approaching your local hospital or medical clinic about offering Healing Touch sessions. Marvel as you witness your patients progress from dis-ease to natural health whether it is of mind, body or spirit. By your trained touch, watch as they become believers in the powerful healing energy of HT and in turn, receive the benefit of maturing into a confident heart-inspired Student, Practitioner or Instructor.

Together, we can achieve Janet Mentgen’s dream of spreading Healing Touch from household to household. It is a dream that can be realized by the simple and earnest offering of “a Healing Touch” to those in need. By that extension, we are presenting not just an energetic cleanse, we are in fact, healing hearts.

Sincere gratitude to Janet Mentgen and to all the Healing Touch Elders who have diligently illuminated the pathway, teaching the rest of us how to be pioneers in this highest of callings. Even today, Janet’s Healing Touch continues to prove that nothing can dim the light that burns brightly within.

-Kimberly Kuppenheimer, PA-C, HTCP/I

More class photos below.....


Helper, Jacquie Ostrom HT Level 1 student, sharing some thoughts about her experience with the Human Energy System.


Learning how to Hand Scan the biofield.





Practicing assessing chakras with the pendulum.
Kimberly teaching about table safety.


Heart to Heart Meditation


Linda Richardson, enjoying the class.


Christa Bills, HT Level 1 Student and Priscilla Atchison, HT Level 3 Student, Class Helper

Date: 2018

Barbara taught the first Reach Out Initiative grant to an underserved population that would not have otherwise been able to take a Level 1 class. Barbara taught 10 students of the Safe Shelter for Domestic Violence in Benton Harbor Michigan. Please read Barb’s final report to hear the rich and beneficial experience for all the women… and for some life-changing.

Report to Healing Touch Program and Worldwide Foundation
on Level 1 for Underserved Population

This is a report of my experience initiating a Level 1 Healing Touch Program class for persons of the Safe Shelter, Benton Harbor, MI. My inquiry began in the late spring of 2018. I telephoned the administrative offices of the Safe Shelter and talked to the Director about Healing Touch. She was receptive and curious, having never heard of Healing Touch. I followed up with email and we set up a date to do an Introduction to Healing Touch for the Case Workers, Director, and Support Service workers. From the very first, the group was receptive and excited about the possibilities of bringing HT to the clientele of Safe Shelter.

The above was the ideal.

The reality was that I had intended to include in this grant the group PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly). I met with the PACE Medical Director, RN Director, & staff numerous times to inform and introduce them to HTP. The Medical Director and RN Director as well as one of their Occupational Therapists were very excited and expectant of doing the Level 1. (The OT is a Level 4 student from 2008 and was planning to use this to “come back” to her journey toward Certification) I did an Introduction to HT at PACE in the spring and received a very cool reception from the staff. Administration wanted to forge ahead anyway and we planned to hold the Level 1 July 2018. They expected to do more Intros and increase the receptivity—then their accreditation site visit became Priority #1—staff scheduling became a burden—they couldn’t release people to attend a 2-day workshop—and Lakeland Foundation had to have the grant accomplished by the end of summer 2018—PACE asked to drop this venture and hopes it will come up again in the near future. The staff had a difficult time forming a vision of HT with their clients and those who care for them. I was continually reminded to “follow the energy”...and when it’s not aligned with my vision or intentions, Love them, Bless them, and move on.

I decided to continue with the plan since I still had the cooperation of Lakeland Foundation for grant monies and classroom space. Lakeland Foundation had been most supportive of me in the past because one important advocate on the Foundation is the nursing director for the Marie Yeager Cancer Center. This woman is also a HTP Level 3 student and has given me free use of the Cancer Center for my donation-only community clinic for the last 5 years. She believes in Healing Touch. She also felt the Safe Shelter was a most appropriate use of the grant and encouraged me to forge forward.

Then, I lost our “free” space due to construction of our new regional hospital. This was a major set-back (I thought). So I hustled on the phone looking for another space to hold a Level 1. I called numerous non-profit facilities telling them about the grant and its purpose. I was amazed at the receptivity I was given! I had 3 sites agree to give us the space in less than 1 hour! The sites were all in the white middle class town of St. Joseph, MI. They were elegant and comfortable—and a Universe away from the clients of Safe Shelter. So I decided—if I’m going to do this healing work with a high risk/underserved population—why not find a truly Healing Place, allowing Nature to co-facilitate our effort?

I remembered the Ronora Lodge & Retreat Center I had used in the past for a HT event with a holistic MD from Arizona. I called and explained the grant. The manager loved the possibility of bringing us to their location. Ronora had somewhat “lost” touch with their vision/mission of connecting people to Nature and the Healing Arts and gone into the Wedding/Family Event venue—it paid the bills! Now they were excited to be a part of this initiative to “come back home” to what they originally intended the land to be used for.

A whole cadre of people were willing and eager to help this endeavor be successful. Everyone was willing to be somewhat flexible with dates; the Safe Shelter was willing to provide transportation; Ronora Lodge & Retreat was onboard to give us an incredibly close connection to Nature and her Michigan beauty in August—complete with horses, wild turkeys, lake, boats, cabins and more. There was a deep sense of caring and Intention to bring healing to each of those coming to the workshop. From a beginning of small frustrations, our adventure was becoming a dear blessing to me and the women of Safe Shelter.

Now on to the event!

Day 1

I started out expecting to follow the class schedule for a “typical Level 1” 10:00am I knew the curriculum would need to be modified to fit the needs of this group. The staff had as much stress and strain in their lives as the clients: one woman had to leave her 16 yo son at home by himself so she could attend—he had surgery yesterday and was home sleeping, in pain. She felt heart-broken and couldn’t contain she guilt/grief—it exploded in our opening circle. Another was 13 wks pregnant, nauseated, cold, and preoccupied with her own concerns. We often think “high risk persons” are the ones who need our services—forgetting that those who do the work supporting others are often just as much in need of support and caring. I was witnessing the stresses and strains of ALL women—It felt like we were holding Circle for Women everywhere—wherever they’re expected to give more than they get in return; wherever they’re expected to sacrifice their children’s or family’s needs for the needs of others; wherever they’re expected to do their jobs without enough money or resources to keep on keeping on...Our opening Circle became a Sacred Space for releasing and heart-felt sharing within the first 5 minutes of our gathering. And then there were the stories of the battered souls....
The focus of our time would need to be on “trust building”—deep listening, on my part, and flexibility to follow the needs of this particular “Adult Learner”....It occurred to me many times during the class that this is a particularly unique Level 1 class. Their vulnerabilities; their tender closed hearts; their woundedness was all so evident. I continually sent my intention to our Guidance and Helpers that all would benefit, without undue emotional breakdown....and that everyone, especially me, would be able to hold sacred space with grace and ease over the course of these 2 days.....
By the end of Day 1 I was wondering if this was the best idea, doing a Level 1 for women in a safe shelter, wounds still fresh, toxic stress still evident.
I was reminded of the classes I’d done in Nepal, Peru, Romania: the gnawing problems of poverty, inequality, violence, are exactly why we need HT....and exactly why it can be such a challenge to integrate into peoples lives—while they are in the midst of their suffering.
By the end of the day, it was noticeable that their threshold for listening, attending and processing very new concepts was reached. One of the women had mild meltdowns throughout the day....every break was used to “get a smoke”—I was concerned about her making through the day and being able to show up for her group, let alone show up for Day 2. She was able to do both. The level of self-deprecation; the amount of grief and anger is palpable with women who’ve been beaten and abused...and here I was, talking, feeling, doing Healing Touch to raise their awareness of what they are (Divine Beings of Light) who they are (capable women of power) why they are here (to learn, forgive, transcend, shed shrouds of insufficiency for themselves, their ancestors, their children’s children’s children...) and how they can change the course of their lives, their children’s lives using shifts in perceptions and hand placements!
It was a big day for all! I went home praying they would show up tomorrow...and decided to let my ideas of “agenda” soften to stay present and attentive to their needs rather than my course schedule.

Day 2

The clients stayed at Ronora over night....It was the first time they stayed in the woods, in a cabin, in Nature. They did any and everything there was to do at Ronora: went for a paddle boat ride—of course they couldn’t swim! They did wear life vests and had fun floundering in knee deep lake water. They talked with the horses, fed them carrots; listened to coyotes at night; heard no traffic, no sirens, no violence....One women said it’s the first time in her life she slept ALL was actually the first time in her life she’s slept alone—without a partner, baby or a child. The women walked and talked until dark, made a campfire and talked more. One women had a totally different experience. She stayed by herself the whole time....smoking and thinking (the way she appeared to me, she was being held hostage by her suffering. I worried about her breaking.)

We went to work, continuing to cover the contents of the Level 1 Notebook—but there was a definite shift. The group was softer. And I think the shift happened because I was compelled to share with them parts of my story, my past, that helped them appreciate we ALL are truly more similar than different—we’ve all had pain and trauma—been to the bottom of the abyss—and climbed our way out, with the grace of God or whatever Forces “out there” that help us, protect us, and keep us safe from self-destruction or continuing trauma. Anyway, after that sharing, there was a shift that allowed us to bond and respect each other. It made “doing the work” much easier....Day 2 flowed and we came to the end not wanting to end. It was a celebration for all of us.

What I noticed from this group was the high level of sensitivity and “knowing” that they have to read energy. Once we left the world of trauma, negativity, victim mentality and moved into a space of mutual respect and awareness of spiritual connection, the group changed. They were able to sense changes in each other’s fields; they became confident about sensing their own energies...and they started to understand the connection between perceptions and behaviors. (‘M reminded of the quote by Abraham Maslow, “What is necessary to change a person is to change her awareness of herself”

Thank you to Healing Touch World Wide Foundation & Lakeland Foundation for the financial support. Thank you Healing Touch Program for the Notebooks and exemption of payment for student fees.
I am deeply grateful for the help everyone contributed to make this a new beginning for many.

My hope is that the 2 Foundations and HTP can offer help to allow us to keep this journey going. It would be an exciting “experiment” in health promotion and women’s health to see this grow as an intervention for at-risk women. As an old public health nurse, I know down to my bones that it takes effort and consistent attention to make positive lifestyle changes durable.

Too often in our country our government or private organizations “seed” projects, then walk away, expecting the seed to grow or thrive into blossom. I will stay in touch with this group of Safe Shelter. I look forward to discussing this project with HTWF, LF and HTP.

Please reach out to me if you have questions or ideas about this project.


Barbara Starke, RN, MSN, FNP-BC, HTCP/I


Date 2018:

Victoria taught 24 students both Healing Touch level 1 & 2 classes in March 2018 with the help of an interpreter. The students were amazed to feel energy and are eager to use their new skills for family and much needed community work. The classes were very successful in introducing the community to Healing Touch that they are already hoping to hold more classes soon, including a Level 3. In addition, Victoria has identified 2 students as potential future Healing Touch instructors given their enthusiasm - which would truly help fulfill Janet's intention to "advance Healing Touch Worldwide"! Read the final report.

Final Report

HT-1-2-Uganda-03My trip to Uganda to teach Healing Touch Levels 1 and 2.March 13-14, 2018 and March 15 and 17, 2018

This was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had. As a white instructor in a black culture there was trust, love, compassion and acceptance.

The 24 students were eager to learn Healing Touch. I was blessed with having an interpreter and a reader for Healing Touch to be relayed to the students.

Healing Touch Level 1 started on Monday and ended on Tuesday evening. Healing Touch Level 2 started on Wednesday. We skipped Thursday to work at the clinic and I helped the staff who were in class with working two on one. Reminding the students of hand placements. The staff that I worked with also help decide what techniques to use that they had learned. The clients at the clinic were amazed with Healing Touch. Many of them cryed when they were out of pain.

HT-1-2-Uganda-05Many of the students were so surprised they could feel energy. When we practiced rubbing their hands together, then pulled them apart, and feeling someone else’s hands on the second day of level 1. They really were their growth with feeling energy on the second day so much more than the first day.

On Friday morning 2 gentlemen from the Drug Administration joined the class to see what Healing Touch was about. The students really stepped up and gave amazing testimonies. I did a short exercise with one of the gentlemen. I asked him to see if he could feel me in his energy field and he DID! They were intrigued with Healing Touch. They said “Healing Touch could be everywhere in Uganda”. Hellen Nyilak was extremely delighted by their response. “That is a BIG deal” Hellen said.

There are two women that I would recommend to become Instructors. Hellen Nyilak and Anne Kibirige

HT-1-2-Uganda-01I believe that it would be for the highest good for Uganda to continue Healing Touch in their country. Their medical care is beyond dismal. The biggest complaint by the Ugandans are lower back issues and ulcers. Their roads are horrible and they worry because there are no jobs.

With working together as a Healing Touch team and continued support from HTWF for funding travel expenses and funding under privileged areas with Healing Touch workbooks and HTP abating their fees...this could be possible.

I would like to continue to go to Uganda to teach adults. Walle Adams Gerdts is interested to go to Uganda in the fall to teach Healing Touch Level 3.

Hellen Nyilak is well connected to highly respected and educated people. Healing Touch can travel further in Uganda with continued support Hellen.

Below are a few e-mails that I received from one of the students about the Healing Touch work that is being done to support the Uganda people.

"Dear Victoria,

I hope you had a safe journey back to the U.S.

Thank you so much for sacrificing everything to come and train us in this wonderful kind of healing. I was personally blessed and it improved my spiritual life and ministry to a great extent!

I am practicing and reading more to understand it more.

You really sowed a seed in my life and I promise that I will keep the candle burning by teaching others about this great experience.

I hope to become an instructor in future.

Stay blessed.


Anne Kibirige.
Africa Uganda."

"Dear Victoria,

I hope all is well.

This morning I got a patient who is 6mths pregnant but she had a water discharge. When she went for a scan, the doctors said that her cervix was already open and the contractions had started. Her, the husband and the mother in law were already crying and had completely lost hope. I placed my hand at the sacral and commanded the cervix to close in Jesus name, then I advised the nurses to lay her on the hospital bed. I started with the chakra connection as she laid on her side, then therapeutic touch, then ultra sound around the sacral and finally laser around the sacral again.

By the time I finished, she was calm and even asked for something to eat. That was at midday. At the moment, the discharge has reduced and the doctors said they are taking her back to the scan tomorrow.

I kindly request for more advice in such a case.

Anne (Uganda)"

"Dear Victoria,

Thank you for the advice concerning the cervix closure.
I went and did chakra connection on Tuesday then on Wednesday they did a scan. The cervix had closed but the fluids in the uterus had dried up so they induced her into labour and that is the day she had made 27 weeks. The baby is in the nursery and picking up well and the mother is also very fine. Its now a week. We thank God because the doctors had said that she would not hold the baby in the womb for more than an hour because the contractions had started on that Monday morning when I sent you the email and secondly, they had said that the baby would not be alive for more than 12 hours!!
Its a miracle to the health care practitioners as well!

In a second scenario, a certain patient had been on oxygen for a week due to pneumonia, I found her very weak, worried and breathing badly. She could not talk but just cry when people went to see her. I did chakra connection and immediately her breathing improved. The following day she sent a message that she was discharged! It was a miracle because she looked like someone who was dying anytime.

Another one had started feeling numb on the right hand side of his body from the head to the toe. He is on ARVs and has been down for 5mths. I massaged and chakra connection then mind cleared. The numbness instantly cleared! I will be going back tomorrow because I worked on him last Friday. I will be working on him every Friday until the end of the month.

Thanks a lot for saving God's people.


Thank you for the opportunity to serve this community.

Victoria Frush Stewart, HTCP/I

Date 2017

Bringing the Gift of Healing Touch to Remote India

It is with great joy that I happily introduce our first HTP Level 1 class from Madurai in the state of Tamil Nadu, south India! Eleven students took their initial Healing Touch journey from June 30-July 1, 2017. As we do all across the globe in our standardized program, these students shared their stories of discovery while learning and experiencing 12 Healing Touch Level 1 techniques.

This was my first time teaching abroad. I quickly realized that when there are language barriers it is critical for everyone in the class to deeply Center, Ground and Attune to maintain sacred space. I also learned to truly trust that the energy would convey the textbook material to non-native English speakers. The result: a powerful Level 1; all pendulums were showing energy patterns first try; these Tamil students were all feeling heartfelt connections with their classmates; and discovering that they are indeed more than their physical bodies, they are energy bodies too. This was most evident after their introduction to the self-chakra connection on the morning of the second day. Cindy Parsons, RN, BSN, MS-HCA, HTCP/I was a fantastic Class Helper, holding essential therapeutic space for the class and expertly guiding students in their hands-on practice.

These newly certified Tamil Nadu HT Level 1 Students plan to weave their new HT practice into caring for the hospice patients at the Akash Home for the aged and dying and at the Padaman Village Hospital. Students also realized the importance of meeting up in monthly practice groups led by Kumutha Ro and we are exploring the idea of skyping from the USA to help ensure proper HT techniques are being utilized. At the end of class there was an enthusiastic request for Level 2!


listed in order of appearance: Kimberly Kuppenheimer HTCP/I, Class Instructor; L.N.D. Vijayyamurugan, N.K. Jawaharlal, Laurie Freeman PA-C, S.V.Viji, G. Loganathan, T.J. Rama, Cindy Parson2 HTCP/I, Class Helper; T.R. Durga, M.K. Jeevanandam, A.B. Sakthi, A.S. Ramila, Kumutha Ro, Class Coordinator


Kuppenheimer-India-02 Kuppenheimer-India-03
Students learn the principles of energy. Experiencing self-care through the Self Chakra Connection
Kuppenheimer-India-04 Kuppenheimer-India-05
Practicing 2:1 chakra connection



  Kimberly demonstrates Scudder and Students apply the technique

  Saving the best for last, Chakra Spread


Primary School Children’s Introduction to Healing Touch

There was the added benefit of touring schools in remote villages outside of the city of Madurai where I was invited to introduce the concepts of Healing Touch to over a hundred, primary school aged children. It was initially daunting to figure out how to present our Healing Touch material to these children who didn’t speak any English but I had a terrific interpreter, Kumutha Ro to help. It occurred to me to pick up a leaf from the ground and use that as a symbol of a living thing that receives energy from the sun to give a tangible reference point to our bodies needing and using energy to be alive. Then, using a chakra bear doll I brought from the States, I demonstrated the location of the major chakras and instructed on how to bring our attention to these energy centers that give us ‘superpowers,” much like a “super hero.” The children learned to center their attention by quieting their minds and going into their hearts, grounding to the earth and attuning to themselves and classmates. I explained that by centering our energy into our heart and then charging up our hand chakras with that loving energy, we then have the ‘super power’ to help those who are sick bringing healing energy to them. The children practiced Magnetic Passes: Hands Still on themselves and on classmates and reported enthusiastically that they felt the energy flow!

Kuppenheimer-India-09 Kuppenheimer-India-10
“We are more than our physical bodies, we are energy bodies too.” “Just like the sun brings energy to a living plant,
we can help bring energy to others who are sick.”

Kuppenheimer-India-11 Kuppenheimer-India-12
Children learning Centering, Grounding and Attuning. “Our Hands have super powers when we bring love to them!”

Practicing Magnetic Passes: Hands Still on classmates

The Level 1 and Healing Touch for Children classes would not have been possible without the support of Chris and Lisa Gordon and my teachers whose shoulders I stand on (Cynthia Hutchison, Janna Moll, Tim McConville, Sr. Rita Jean Dubrey, Sherri Cote and Roberta Brown Brugo). It is with humble and profound gratitude that I wish to thank the board of HTWF for awarding me a grant to bring HT to south India. It is also because of generous HT students and practitioners who kindly donate to HTWF that we are all able to share the benefit of our program with the poor and remote regions of the world. This class is one small example of how we are all equal partners in fulfilling Janet Mentgen’s dream of bringing this inspired program to every home.

Offering Healing Touch at Padman Hospital, Maduria, India

Kuppenheimer-India-14 Kuppenheimer-India-15
Laurie Freeman and Cindy Parsons working
with a hospice patient.
Smiles are so healing! Laurie Freeman and a patient.
Kuppenheimer-India-16 Kuppenheimer-India-17

Kimberly Kuppenheimer and Cindy Parsons
sharing a sacred moment with hospice patient.

Cindy Parsons offering Magnetic Clearing
to hospice patient.

For further information on the non-profit, Madurai Charitable Trust which Kimberly works with to fund school and medical programs in Madurai, India


Date 2018:

Victoria made a second trip to teach a Heling Touch Level 1 & 2 classes to 49 students at the Biggi Family Project (BFP) center in Kampala, Uganda, in June 2018. She was also able to hold a Healing Touch for Children class for several youth who really enjoyed the experience.

Victoria has made some great contacts who are excited about continuing to grow the use of Healing Touch there, and potentially in neighboring countries. With so many successful classes and excited students, the Foundation is in discussion about the potential to send a level 3/4 instructor to Uganda for further instruction.

The BFP Center is a Ugandan based Non-Governmental organization offering a wide range of research, training and social transformation opportunities to less privileged communities across Uganda. BFP was conceived in 2002 with the passion of enabling communities to access nature friendly herbal medicine and healthier foods so that those who are chronically sick and those who want organic foods access it and live healthier lives. The community there has been highly enthusiastic in learning and using Healing Touch.

Thank you to Victoria for her willingness to travel so far to "Advance Healing Touch Worldwide"!

Date 2015:

A special lecture on “Healing Touch and Integrative Medicine”, presented by Rumi Hashimoto, MSN, RN,HTCP/I at Yokohama Minami Kyousai Hospital in Yokohama, was attended by 80 participants. The University of Occupational and Environmental Health in Kitakyushu hosted “An Introduction to Healing Touch” attended by many nurses and educators. A special lecture for nursing students at Yokohama Soei University, School of Nursing, focusing on the “Integrating of Healing Touch into Nursing Practice”, was well received by both nursing students and professors in attendance. Six Healing Touch Program classes, including three Level 1, two Level 2 and one Level 3 were taught at three universities in Japan, training a total of 120 students in Healing Touch techniques. The combined attendance at the various classes and outreach events is estimated at 227 health care participants.

Click here to download the full report

tim-in-nepalDate 2014

Tim’s mission to Nepal was to help expand the ability to reach more students of Healing Touch. The first goal was to teach Aparna Bhatta Level 2 Instructor Training which began April 4th. Aparna has taught over 150 students in Nepal and India in her first year of teaching!

Two Level 2 classes were taught: April 5-6 in Kathmandu in the surrounding hills, 10 student participated and 9 students completed the second Level 2 held in Aparna’s office in Kathmandu April 9-10th. Many of the students have a medical, mental health or Ayuvedic background and have been actively using the level 1 techniques in their practice with good results.

Level 3 class was held at Aparna’s office and 8 students completed the class. One of the students had waited five years to take level3! The students came from a variety of ages and backgrounds, most with higher education. This class included and Ayuvedic doctor and Ayuvedic pharmacist.

This teaching experience was a wonderful exercise in flexibility and patience. We had to adapt to very different notions of timeliness and focus more on the core techniques. Often the setting was less than ideal, with only partial access to decent treatment tables and distracting noises in the city. The students are not as likely to read the English language texts and readily gravitate to the table work. We realized the strong need to have the texts, and documentation forms all translated into their native tongue. The Nepali people have a deep spiritual base which made teaching the concepts easy. The students were a delight to be with. It is reassuring that the Healing Touch work bridges cultural differences and can be the same anywhere in the world. I think the culture they live in more readily accepts the alternative therapies such as Healing Touch. That coupled with the lack of good allopathic medical facilities creates a situation which will allow a more rapid expansion of the work and a tremendous opportunity to impact people's lives.

1st-level-2-class-practicing1st Level 2 class practicing

level-2-group-picture1st Level 2 class practicing


2nd Level 2 class picture

level-3-class-demonstrationLevel 3 class demonstration

level-3-class-studentsLevel 3 class students


HTWF Archived Education Grants

Organization: Healing Touch Deutschland
International Education Recipient: Ines Hoster
Date: 2022

Translation of Level 4/5 Healing Touch into German.
Ines Hoster started teaching Healing Touch Program Level 1-6 in Germany in
1998, with her efforts she has grown two local instructors who teach Level 1-3.
Ines has had the burden of responsibility for translation as the director of
Healing Touch Deutschland and has paid for material translations and
translation updates as the HTP notebook were updated.
HTWF has awarded this International Education grant for translating Level 4 and
5 materials into German. Use of these materials by Ines and others as they
teach these levels in Germany will help strengthen the vibrant program (Healing
Touch Deutschland) that has developed there and lead to development of
additional German Instructors.

Organization: Tim McConville
International Education Recipient: Tim McConville
Date: 2012

Teach HT Levels 2 and 3 and HT Instructor Level 2 class in Nepal.
Tim’s mission to Nepal was to help expand the ability to reach more students of
Healing Touch. The first goal was to teach Aparna Bhatta Level 2 Instructor
Training which began April 4th. Aparna has taught over 150 students in Nepal
and India in her first year of teaching!Two Level 2 classes were taught: April 5-6 in Kathmandu in the

hills, 10 student participated and 9 students completed the second Level 2 held
in Aparna’s office in Kathmandu April 9-10th. Many of the students have a
medical, mental health or Ayuvedic background and have been actively using
the level 1 techniques in their practice with good results.

A Level 3 class was held at Aparna’s office and 8 students completed the class.
One of the students had waited five years to take level3! The students came
from a variety of ages and backgrounds, most with higher education.

Organization: Swan Center of the Association of the Whole Person. Summertown, TN
International Education Recipient: Swan Center of the Association of the Whole Person
Date: 2008

To empower people to heal themselves and others through sessions, classes,
etc. at their missionary outreach programs in India and Sri Lanka.

Stay In Touch!

The Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation (HTWF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established July 1997.