Grounding Presenter

Meet Lori Chortkoff Hops ⟫ USA

Ph.D Licensed Psychologist, DCEP (Diplomat in Comprehensive Energy Psychology), Certified Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis, Reiki Master

 Lori Chortkoff Hops, Ph.D., DCEP (Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology) is a licensed psychologist, certified practitioner and instructor in Logosynthesis, and Reiki Master with a private practice in Westlake Village, CA. USA.

She serves as past president of ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology). She teaches internationally about embodied intuition, including online classes.

Her podcast Healing Tips from the Heart: Intuition with Helpers, Healers and Guides is available on YouTube and Spotify.


Presentation: Your Personal Grounding Style Using "Embodied Awareness"

Identify your personal learning style based on sensory cues and focused attention.  You can apply this awareness to any grounding technique you choose.


"Consultation for Embodied Intuition"

Receive a 20% discount on a Virtual Private Embodied Intuition Session!

An individual educational consultation to develop embodied intuition, grounding, and/or centering practices for self-care.

Intuition or the still small voice, speaks to us all the time, guiding us with an inner GPS. We just need to tune to the right station to improve our game.

Gain insights:

  • Iinterpret and use the body’s natural language of intuition
  • develop skills and abilities for easier living
  • sharpen your instincts for goals, relationship, work and more
  • explore blocks and obstacles to growth, so you can soar higher
  • practice body based exercises for self-growth
  • develop grounding and body awareness skills

We are brought up to act first and think after.  You can flip the script. Notice your tendencies, patterns and habits. Keep the ones that work for you, and change the others. And you can slow down. You are more able to make a wise choice, or ask for help, or find a creative solution.  You become the one guiding your path with greater purpose, rather than being brought along for the ride.

Improve boundaries for self and others with conscious presence. Grounding and centering helps you balance personal needs and the needs of others. You gain clarity about win win situations and solutions. You can more easily read the room, knowing when to move in and when to move back. Or when to wait it out.

Regular price $100 per hour.

Event discounted price $80 per hour!

Expires December 1, 2024

Registration link is in the course module

Grounding presentation available through Dec 31/24