Grounding Presenter

Meet Kathleen Anne Johnson  ⟫ Oregon, USA


Kathleen Anne is a highly experienced and skilled teacher of sound and energy medicine. She has been a holistic nurse and nurse practitioner for over 30 years, and a Healing Touch Practitioner for more than 20 years.

She also completed an intensive 3 year medical intuitive program, and has incorporated this skill into her healing practice for the past 20 years as well, along with the skill of Galactic Akashic Records Reading.

Kathleen has shared Healing Touch and Sound through her approach of Crystal Song Soul Medicine with hundreds of clients dealing with numerous health issues, and has continually received positive feedback on the deep relaxation and pain & symptom reduction with treatment.

Kathleen has served on the American Holistic Nurses Association Education Committee and teaches music therapy and guided imagery in their IHAP program.

Kathleen’s website is 

Grounding - Kathleen Johnson


Ground with Sound: Vibrations of Embodiment

Kathleen will take you on a journey into the sound and frequency of grounding, and of the indigenous sound wisdom that lies within you.

Sound is a profound tool to ground us into our body. We will discuss the benefits of grounded sound, and experience the deep sounds of drums, rattles and larger crystal singing bowls.

As we ground with sound, we will feel a deepening of our connection with our body, heart, and soul, with nature and Mother Earth. As we come into resonance with the peace and power of Mother Earth, entraining to her vibrations, and settling more deeply and comfortably into our body, we will experience our healing energies within flowing freely and joyfully. 


A Free eBook for Healers

Receive Intuitively Choosing and Playing Your Crystal Singing Bowl eBook, FREE!

Regular price $20.

100% Discount for registrants!

eBook link is in the course module

Grounding presentation available through Dec 31/24