Meet Debra Hurt ⟫ Oregon, USA


After thirteen years in the professional theatre as a Stage Designer and Scenic Artist, Debra began her study of Energy Kinesiology with Touch for Health in 1985, building on a lifelong fascination with art and energy.  Since then she has studied a variety of techniques with leaders in the field including Donna Eden, Richard Utt, Dr. John Thie, and Gordon Stokes.  She has also studied other holistic therapies and esoteric material.  In addition to her many certifications, Debra is a founding member of the faculty of Eden Energy Medicine.

She has been a member of the Energy Kinesiology Association, in its various forms, since 1989.  She holds that organization’s highest professional designation: CEnK-3. 

Her published works include: Energetic Dynamics for Performers, An Introduction to the Chakras: A Workbook to Color, The Chakras: Characteristics, Essences and Elements, and Character Is The Ultimate Currency: Ethics and Energy Therapies.  

In 2016, Debra added TRE - the Tension and Trauma Relieving Exercises to her practice by becoming a Certified Provider.  She offers TRE in her private practice and to groups.

Debra maintains her private practice in Bend and Portland, OR, and online. She teaches around the U.S. and elsewhere. 

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Presentation - Your Senses Are The Key

Grounding is not "one size fits all!" How you most naturally experience the world is the key to getting and keeping yourself grounded.

Presentation available --- Feb 2026