2025 Through the Lens of Numerology

A Free 20-Minute Forecast by Jonelle Davis

Our presenter

Jonelle Davis, M.Ed., Counselor, Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Numerologist, Akashic Records Practitioner

Jonelle is a powerful Intuitive with expertise in helping clients identify their life purpose and finding personal and professional success. She is skilled at bringing in touching, deep, and accurate spiritual messages.

Jonelle sees and hears what you need to do to embrace the life you were meant to live. She is highly clairvoyant, not only able to see what work would bring her clients the most satisfaction but can also help them see what they need to let go of so they live a joyful, open-hearted life.

From chaos to planning - Using the power of numbers to live with more ease.

What is it about? 

LETTING GO – what does it actually mean?

Join Jonelle Davis while she talks about Numerology and how it can help you shift your life for the better.

As she says “Letting go this year, will give you space, energy, and freedom to embrace what’s coming in for you.” Are you in?

You will learn...

  • Overview of Numerology

  • The 9 Universal Year in 2025

  • What YOU can Do in this 9 Universal Year

  • "Letting Go" Can Mean Many Things

  • The Personal Years within this 9 Universal Year

  • Numerology and Insights included in Jonelle's Readings

Ready to get these Insights?

YOU Do Not want to miss this opportunity.

We will teach you how to put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. Learn all the stages they must pass through before they will respond to your offer.

Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation, Inc · 2025