Janet Mentgen Fund - International Instructor Education

The Janet Mentgen International Instructor Fund was created in memory of Janet Mentgen’s vision, to have Healing Touch practiced in every home, hospital, health care facility and school.

The fund supports Healing Touch Instructor Training for Level 1, 2 and 3, for certified practitioners from foreign countries where Healing Touch instruction is not yet established or where there is a shortage of certified instructors.

aparna bhatta
 Aparna Bhatta of Kathmandu, Nepal

aparna level 3 instructor training group

Aparna Bhatta Level 3 Instructor Training April 2013

This group represents the US, Canada, France, Nepal and Germany!!! Back row, left to right: Yolande Boule Douglas, Aparna Bhatta, Bonnie Morrow, Inez Holster Front row, left to right: Cynthia Hutchison with furry friend Auggie, and Nicole Kasemir