
Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation - Funding Service Projects

Supports diverse humanitarian efforts locally and globally, bringing Healing Touch to community events, volunteer speaking engagements, to underserved communities and disaster relief initiatives.

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Service Grants Funded

Showcasing a few  Service Grants awarded  with their respective reports.

The World Burn Congress is an event that hosts the International community of burn survivors and representatives from National Burn Centers, Burn Care / ICUs, and their associated nursing and medical staff. There are patients needing self-care; there are families needing tools to support their loved ones; there are families hurting from trauma; and there are individuals who are suffering psychological trauma around burn scaring. I cannot think of anyone who comes to this conference who hasn’t been affected by a burn injury in some way and anyone who could not benefit from knowing about Healing Touch.

I was honored to be asked to present at this year’s pre-conference workshop and presented on Energy Medicine, with Healing Touch being the method through which I am shared. I shared grounding, centering, attuning meditations and sharing Magnetic Passes Hands in Motion and Hands Still as self-care methods during this presentation, to 40 attendees. I focused on trauma held in energy system and discussed HT as a way to support, leveraged and taught pendulation (Peter Levine), seeing what you see technique - to reduce the energy field and bring in, grounding and centering, and sensation work. Very successful!!!

Record number of participants attended the Healing Touch breakout lecture. I facilitated a self-care centered Self-Chakra Connection from the HTP curriculum, these 26 attendees also did a gorgeous grounding centering attuning meditation.

Both talks had surveys that were completed by participants that measure effectiveness and impact of the presentation. I had wonderful reviews in my 2017 presentations, which is what prompted the organization to call me again for a longer and more significant sharing.
My vibrational tools table was a huge success. Healing Touch was represented as an energy modality through written description and HTP/HTWF pamphlet, 350 interested people took Healing Touch related brochures of HTP and HTWF. Vibrational tools (crystals, tuning forks, rattles) and introducing plant medicine (Sage, lavender) were a big hit!

I drummed with my native drum and had a huge success and what I loved was that out of the large group of diverse ages, ALL the children survivors fell fast asleep.

Thank you to HTWF for your support in helping me bring Healing Touch to this much needed community.

The purpose of the grant was to attend the Foundations of Disaster Response, May 2016, in San Diego CA to acquire training regarding the preparation and role of Healing Touch practitioners in disaster response efforts.

Foundations of Disaster Response for Healthcare Professionals Workshop

Los Angeles, CA
May 14-15, 2016

The workshop was an extremely valuable in identifying the absolute necessity to have proper training and sponsorship in order to be allowed to offer services. The government’s response to disasters is highly sophisticated and efficient with a clear command structure. Each position carries with it specific responsibilities, allowing those in charge to act effectively in meeting the demands of the situation. Without such a structure, there would be chaos.

All disasters go through specific phases and they each have common responses. Warning Phase – Ranges from no advance notice to days or weeks’ notice. Impact Phase – Actual onset of disaster. – varies Heroic Phase – People watch out for, protect, even risk own safety to save strangers. Honeymoon Phase – People initially pitch in and collaborate for the collective good. Inventory Phase – External resources begin to be distributed. Disillusionment Phase – Resource allocation is often seen as too little, too late, poorly distributed. Reconstruction Phase – People move beyond self-interest and start to rebuild.

The workshop made it clear that a training program would need to be developed for Healing Touch practitioners who want to work in disaster situations. Students need to learn the Incident Command Structure, the disaster response culture, and the dynamics of disaster situations. Healing Touch also needs to have an officially sponsored by an officially recognized organization such as Red Cross, Salvation Army, faith based organizations, and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).

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Tim and Pam McConville in partnership with Aparna Bhatta, HTCP/I traveled throughout Nepal offering their own time, talent and their personal resources. A variety of Healing Touch events, including both planned and spontaneous outreach activities were held in conjunction with teaching Healing touch classes.

With support from Fukushima University School of Nursing, Hashiba Institute staff, and volunteers provided a Healing Touch (HT) Level 1 class and Healing Touch clinic. Forty five residents of Fukushima participated in the HT Level 1 class taught in Japanese by Rumi Hashimoto MSN, RN, HTCP/I. In collaboration with the Fukushima Medical University school of Nursing, the Hashiba Institute also provided a free Healing Touch clinic to over 35 hospital staff, the first ever Healing Touch clinic in Japan. This work not only provided comfort, care, and healing to victims of the March 2011 tsunami, but also to the medical and healthcare staff who worked tirelessly caring for tsunami victims.

HT workshop attendees: 48

HT clinic attendees: 75

The purpose of this project is to develop a Healing Touch (HT) pilot program that integrates HT as part of the routine care given to hospice inpatients. The training of 24 nursing staff and volunteers were trained in HT Level 1. These students provided 260 Healing Touch sessions in the Masonic Health Care Center. The sessions lasted from 15-30 minutes conducted on massage tables, wheelchairs or Baroda chairs. In surveys conducted following the sessions, 40-50% of recipients indicated that the Healing Touch session exceeded their expectations. Healing Touch educational displays were also attended by over 250 village residents.

Stay In Touch!

The Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation (HTWF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established July 1997.